Methods Lab @ Weizenbaum Institute

The Methods Lab is the central unit for supporting, connecting, and coordinating the methods training and consulting at the Weizenbaum Institute. Besides assisting ongoing research projects of the research groups and units, the lab also conducts methods research and develops tools for the collection and analysis of digital data.

Latest Blog Posts

  • Show and Tell Recap: OpenQDA – A Sustainable and Open Research Software for Collaborative Qualitative Data Analysis
    On November 18, 2024, Karsten Wolf and Florian Hohmann from the University of Bremen presented the software OpenQDA at WI. In this Show and Tell, they gave an overview of OpenQDA and its motivations, functions, and limitations. In the first part of the Show and Tell, Karsten Wolf presented the […]
  • Workshop Recap: Research in Practice – Attending to Algorithms in and Around Organizations
    On November 26 2024, Maximilian Heimstädt, Professor of Digital Governance & Service Design at the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg, shared his experiences and expertise in applying qualitative methods to studying algorithms in organizations. This workshop was co-organized by the Methods Lab and the Research in Practice – PhD Network […]
  • Spotlight: The Data Workers’ Inquiry 
    AI applications are growing in popularity, everyday digital tasks are intuitively streamlined, and social media platforms are flooded with automated media that emulate the clarity of actual events. Naturally, this inspires discussions of future opportunities and concerns, such as the possibility of computers overtaking jobs that once relied upon humans. […]
  • Tutorial: When and how to use the official TikTok API
    This blog post discusses when and when not to use the official TikTokAPI. Additionally, this blog post provides step-by-step instructions for a typical research scenario to inform aspiring researchers about using the API. When and when not to use it While being the official way of data access, the official […]