
On this page, you can find all tools created and/or administered by the Methods Lab.


LimeSurvey is a tool for creating and managing online surveys. It is an open-source tool, and the Weizenbaum Institute hosts an instance on its servers to facilitate the creation of surveys for both research and internal purposes. It can be used for free of charge by Institute members and their external collaborators.


MART is an app that can be used to collect data using multiple methods, including surveys, experience sampling, event logging (Android), and data donations (iOS). Having been used for a research project on mobile media use, it is currently under further development and will be available for free use by other researchers.

Weizenbaum Panel Data Explorer

The Weizenbaum Panel Data Explorer is an interactive dashboard that allows anyone to explore data collected by the Weizenbaum Panel over the course of several years. It includes multiple categories of questions, specific items, and allows for grouping of data by age group, gender, education level, and place of residence.