Workshop: Social Media Analytics: From Raw Data to Engagement Metrics

— by Axel Bruns (University of Queensland)

When: November 21st, 2022, 10–12 am
Where: WI Flexroom (A1 04)

Abstract: This data analytics and visualisation workshop introduces a number of standard tools and methods for large-scale data analytics, using Twitter data to illustrate these approaches. The workshop introduces participants to the soon-to-be-released DMRC Academic Twitter API (DATA) Tool as a capable and reliable tool for data gathering from the Academic Twitter API, and to the high-end data analytics software Tableau as a powerful means of processing and visualising large datasets. The skills gained in the workshop are also transferrable to working with other large datasets from social media and other sources. The workshop is suitable for participants new to working with social media datasets, and as a refresher for more experienced users.

Axel Bruns (PhD., University of Queensland) is a Professor of Communication and Media Studies at QUT Digital Media Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. He conducts research on social networks, online publishing and news, produsage, gatewatching, and filter bubbles.

Co-organized with the WI research group “Digital News Dynamics“.