Workshop: Introduction to Git

When: February 6, 2025, 10am – 12pm
Where: WI Flexroom (A1_04); hybrid
Level: Beginner
Category: Version control, collaboration, publication
Seats: 20 (in-person); no limit (online)

This workshop provides an introduction to the version control software Git and the associated platform GitLab to equip participants with a solid understanding of version control concepts and learn essential Git commands. The session will cover setting up repositories, tracking changes, branching workflows, resolving conflicts, and integrating changes seamlessly. Participants will also learn how to leverage GitLab features like pull requests, issues, and repository graphs to coordinate collaboration, collectively work on software projects, or to easily publish and adapt research data and analysis scripts.

While the workshop will feature some short theoretical sections, it aims to engage everyone attending with short quizzes and many hands-on exercises. If you ever had reservations about using the command line, this is the chance to address them. We’re looking forward to a short but engaging workshop!

Participation Requirements: To be able to get right into it, we would ask you to download and install git and to set up a user account by logging in to the Weizenbaum’s GitLab instance.

LK Seiling is responsible for the coordination of the #DSA40 Data Access Collaboratory and an associated researcher at the Weizenbaum Institute. They have used GitLab for project management and are maintaining various repositories on the Weizenbaum’s GitLab instance.

Sascha Kostadinoski works as an IT administrator at the Weizenbaum Institute using git on a daily basis. He has a passion for all things information technology, especially with regards to open source and digital privacy, among other things.

Quentin Bukold is a student assistant working for the research group ‘Digital News Dynamics’ at the Weizenbaum Institute. He is working towards an M.Sc. in Business Informatics and Digital Transformation at Uni Potsdam and has worked on various software development projects.