Interest Groups

For researchers seeking support within projects of diverse methodological approaches, the Weizenbaum Institute offers the following networks:

Research in Practice – PhD Network for Qualitative Research

Part epistemological, part emotional support group, our network offers early-career researchers a space to share their experiences, questions, and advice on qualitative research – for instance on ethnographic research, qualitative digital methods, and research ethics. We regularly organize different formats, such as sessions on specific methods, workshops to share and discuss our own empirical work in progress, and expert workshops to which we invite international qualitative researchers whose work we find inspiring. The network is hosted by the research groups ‘Reorganization of Knowledge Practices’ and ‘Technology, Power and Domination’.

Co-organizers and contact information: Katharina Berr and Jana Pannier

Weizenbaum NLP Group

Are you excited about Natural Language Processing? Our group, comprised of computer scientists, social scientists, economists, philosophers, and other interdisciplinary scholars, utilizes NLP as a method. Whether you’re a seasoned LLM engineer or have recently experimented with text-as-data for the first time, our group combines a rich mixture of expertise, disciplines, and all experience levels (PhDs, Students, PostDocs, Group Leads).

Interested in joining us? Contact Jan Batzner to be added to our Slack channel.

Open Research Working Group

The aim of this group is to bundle expertise in the field of open research and to establish a vibrant open research culture at WI. To this end, the working group supports open research activities at WI, pools information across the various research specialisations, departments and divisions at WI, identifies needs in the field of open research and promotes internal communication on this topic. At the same time, the working group serves as a point of contact for internal enquiries and sets its own priorities in its choice of topics and work planning.

If you would like to join our network, send a message to Jan Hase or Dietmar Kammerer. You can also join us via the Weizenbaum Chat.